Izba is a traditional Russian countryside dwelling.
Our restaurant is 100% organic and vegetarian. Each day, we offer 2 or 3 choices of starters, main courses and desserts, all throughly home made. At all time, we have at least one gluten free and vegan option.

Starter / 7 €
Main course / 14 €
Dessert / 7 €
Starter + Main course / Main course + Dessert
18,50 €
Starter + Main course + Dessert
22 €
opening hours
We are located in the historical center of Périgueux, at roughly 100 yards away from the Mataguerre tower and the cinéma.
The restaurant is open for lunch from Tuesday to Saturday from 12:15 to 3:15 p.m.

A reservation, a question … do not hesitate to contact us on
05 53 09 37 51
IZBA restaurant
19 Rue Aubergerie
24000 Périgueux